Did you happen to catch the special on TLC ( The Learning Channel ) titled, "Extreme Couponing?" If you did, can you believe it?! Some of you I'm sure can. While others are looking with their mouths dropped to the floor. I LOVE using coupons and stockpiling, but I'm no where near to this extreme. It's unbelievably impressive, the time and effort that those featured couponers go to for such great deals. My hats off to them!
For those of you who stockpile this way.....Way to go! For those of you who feel that's too overwhelming, but would like to get deals, you don't have to go to that extreme. I manage to get a nice stockpile on the 3 to 4 copies of the weekly coupon inserts. It's just enough for me to not take up tons of space, but give a nice stash for my family.
If you are new to the whole couponing idea, check out some of my posts on how to get started here. If you can't find the answers to all your questions, just feel free to ask in the comments. I'll be glad to help. :) Also, check out the forum WeUseCoupons.com , which is where you will find Nathan Engels aka Mr. Coupon ( the last featured couponer on "Extreme Couponning").
If you are a blogger looking to monetize your blog, WeUseCoupons.com is another great affiliate to use. Be sure to tell them that Jennifer @ Just Peachy in Dixie sent you in the referral field. ;) You'll be helping my fund this blog. :)
For those of you who missed the airing of "Extreme Couponing," don't worry! It will be airing again on Jan. 4 at 10pm, and again on Jan. 5 at 1am. You can see the upcoming schedule here on TLC.
So, couponers.....keep couponing! For beginners.....get out there and learn the world of coupons, and relish in the FREEBIES! :)
Happy Couponing!
Linking up here, be sure to check it out. :)

living in Georgia, I do love peaches! And I am a fellow couponer as well!
Following from Think of Me Thurdsday. Love if you could follow back when you get a chance!
Stopping by via the blog hop, I have a new blog! I hope you stop by! (I'm following you as The Pilot's Wife)
Elvis, The Chihuahua
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Wow i like this...A new follower from hop along Friday...
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