I hope everyone is enjoying my posts! I went to Taylortown Coupon Preview today, and it looks as though it's going to be another great coupon day tomorrow. So, I thought this would be a great time to show you how I organize my coupons.
Let me back up one step first.....clipping multiple coupons. The easiest way I have found to clip the 3-4 papers of coupons for me is to take each matching page and stack them on top of each other. Then cut them all together. Be very careful to keep the pages lined up, or you could end up cutting into some of the coupons. I've heard that some people will staple the pages first to prevent them from coming out of alignment. I just go slow, and cut a little outside of the border when I can to help ensure that I'm not cutting into the other coupons.
Ok, here's my coupon binder. I use a Five Star 2" zip up binder. I highly recommend a zip up binder to prevent you from losing any coupons. Set aside the time you spend clipping, let's face it....that's money in that binder, so you definitely don't want to lose any of them!

When you open the binder the first thing you see is a large pocket. This is where I keep my ads for the stores that I don't regularly shop in, like Michaels, Staples, Bed Bath & Beyond etc. I keep them just because you never know when you might end up in one of these stores, and you can use the % off coupon that is usually in the ads. There is also a smaller, mesh, zip up pocket. This is where I usually keep scrap pieces of paper for notes, or to stick coupons pulled out of the blinkie machines for filing later.

Next, I have the mesh zippered pencil case that came with the binder. Here is where I keep a pen, post it notes, paper clips, scissors (you never know when you made need to clip out another coupon, children's scissors are a great size for this), etc.

Then, I have 5 of these pocket page holders. 1st red=CVS, 2nd yellow= Rite Aid, 3rd clear=Wags (Walgreens), 4th green=Publix, 5th blue=Kroger In each of these I keep the list I've made out with the coupons I plan to use, pulled and paper clipped to the list, the current ad, and rain checks (I usually paper clip my rain check to the matching ad).

Now I have my dividers. The first divider says FREE, this is where I keep all the coupons that will get a free item NPN (No Purchase Necessary), then I have a MISC Coupon (these are the coupons that have more than one item on them, so it's hard to put under one category ex: $1 off Jet dry or Finish Dishwashing tabs), finally I have the remaining dividers in alphabetical order. I find this the easiest way for me to find the coupon I'm looking for. Tide goes under T, Cheerios goes under C, etc. Each divider has baseball card holders in between them for holding the coupons. I put coupons back to back so that you can see coupons on the front and back of the baseball card holder. Sometimes you have to fold them to fit, or I know some people will also put photo holders in their binders for the larger coupons.

My last divider is a Restaurant divider. You have to remember to use those coupons at your favorite restaurants too!

Well, that's my coupon binder. It's best to take it with you EVERY TIME you leave the house. I can't tell you how many times I didn't think I was going to need it, and I wish I had brought it with me. I hope you all find this post helpful! Comments and or questions are welcomed and appreciated!
Have a great day!
Happy Shopping!
I have never seen a coupon system like this one. We are always having to clean out coupons because we've missed some. This is a great system. I'm not sure I could get DH on board, but it might appeal to his organizational mind.
I'm so glad you liked my coupon binder! It does take some time organizing, but it really helps to keep everything right at your fingertips when you need it. Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope to hear from you again. :)
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Hi! I followed you from the Tuesday blog hop from twee poppets. I love your binder. I have been looking for some ideas on how to organize my coupons. I am also new to using coupons. Do you go to the stores and get the ads. Also, how many coupons can you use for the same item at one time? You talked about cutting out multiple coupons at the same time. Do you use them at different times?
Thanks! Have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much for following! Typically, I get the sales ads from the Sunday paper. I also go to the stores website. Here's a link to some tips on shopping drugstores. Also, just click here for some more coupon talk. Most stores allow one coupon per item. Some stores have a limit to how many you can purchase, you just have to check with them on their policy. Some stores, like Publix, allow one Manufacture Coupon, and one Store coupon per item. This yields some GREAT savings! I do cut out multiple coupons at the same time for filing, and yes, I do use as many as I have for a great deal, and save the others if there is a limit. I hope this helps, and feel free to ask any more questions you may have! :)
Happy Shopping!
Very nicely done! I personally like using a file system, but I would love to include a link to this post for a great explanation of how to organize your coupons in a binder system. Just popping in from the Tuesday hops & I'm now following. Stop by when you get a chance!
living well, spending less
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