Well, tonight (4/6/11) TLC's premiere of "Extreme Couponing airs." (Click the link for your local listings) Let me tell you that it is to the "extreme!" I mean 1200-2500 coupon inserts?! Where do they get all of those? Wow! Don't get me wrong....I'm not an extreme coupon hater by any means. I say go for it, if you have the time. I started REALLY couponing about two years ago, and I can't believe the savings! Who doesn't like getting things for free, almost free, or even better...MAKE money on it? I just LOVE it!
I plan on watching because I find it interesting how serious people take their couponing. I also may learn something I didn't already know. But, if you are new to the whole couponing idea, I would take this show with a grain of salt. You have to remember that like one of them said in the clip, she spends about 30 hours a week preparing for all these deals. That's a full time job!
Now, don't think that it's only possible to save for your family by putting in that many hours! Obviously, the more time you spend looking for deals, printing coupons, clipping and sorting the more you save. However, it is absolutely possible to get things for free or almost free by spending a few hours or less a week.
I have several how to posts on couponing. I'll list them here with the link for easy access, or you can always look to my right sidebar under "couponing 101."
Let's Talk Coupons- In this post I explain the different types of coupons.
My Coupon Binder- Here I show you how I organize my coupons.
Don't think for a second (like I used to) that drugstores are too expensive! This is where I get most of my HBA items for free! Click the links below to my posts that show you how.
Shopping Drugstores: CVS 101 part 1 of 3
Shopping Drugstores: Rite Aid part 2 of 3
Shopping Drugstores: Walgreens part 3 of 3
If you would like to read more on how to coupon, this is a really great forum:

Or print coupons here:
Disclaimer: These are affiliate links. Thanks for helping support Just Peachy in Dixie. ;)
For those of you new to couponing, I hope you find this useful. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. For you experts, will you be watching tonight? I know I will. :)
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
I have had it set to record for weeks and i'm all but salivating! :)
I already have my DVR set to record :)
Hi there! Following you from the blog hop. Would love it if you could come visit us at Random Deals. Thanks!
Very useful!!! Thank you!
Too funny! I'm looking forward to it as well! :)
Thanks for stopping in,
Random Deals,
I've got it set to record as well. :) Thanks for stopping in! I look forward to reading your blog too!
Glad you like it. :) Thanks for stopping by!
I won't be able to watch tonight, but I'm sure I'll get to hear about it tomorrow!
My deal for today was free Aleve! The 40-count bottle was on sale at Publix for $4.99; I had a manufacturers coupon for $2 off and a Walgreens coupon for $3 off (they include drugstores as competitors).
I'm wouldn't qualify myself as an "extreme" couponer, but it sure is fun to get deals like that!
Your lucky! My local Publix won't take Wags q's because they are not an immediate competitor. :( I would love to be able to get that deal!
I will be watching! I have began to clip coupons but could never spend the time like they do. If i can save $10 on top of my other savings tricks, I am happy!! Visiting from Raising Homemakers!
O.k, so I was so excited to watch this show until I saw the end result: Wastefulness
Do I like to save a buck or two, Yes! Do I need to stock 3yrs worth of toilet paper, NO
I was very upset to see that these people on limited incomes as I'm sure we all are these days would even waste $100 on items that were not needed. Who needs 6o bottles of mustard even if its at .39 :)
So it was nice to see that talent these families had and the commitment they put toward this new reality show but it was also sad to watch. Just my opinion...
Thanks for stopping in! As I said, I'm curious to watch the extreme measures they go to, but that kind of stockpiling is not for me. I just want enough, 3-4 (depending on what it is) of something at rock bottom prices to get me through to the next sale which is generally every 6 weeks or so.
Again, I'm not hating those that do. :) I just don't have the desire, time, or space to go that far.
I LOVE this! Thank you so much for posting about coupons...I need to get better about that. I look forward to seeing what else you have too!
P.S. I popped over from the DWYH Linky...AND I LOVE your choice of music on your playlist! :)
Sarah beth,
Thanks for stopping by! I agree, savings is savings! Love to learn new tricks of the trade. :)
Mrs. Zwieg,
I'm so glad you like it and find it useful. Nice to know you enjoy the music. :) Please come back again real soon!
I just watched for the first time last night (a dvr-ed older episode as I don't have cable). While I was impressed by some things, there were some things I didn't like, for example how the one set of twins cleared the shelves just because they had enough coupons. I think most of us believe in coupon etiquette where you leave some for someone else if there are limited quantities (I'm grateful when there may be 1 or 2 left by Saturday thanks to people not taking all they hold in their carts)
If I couldn't save $1000 a month, there's no way I'd spend 20-30 hours clipping!!
I did like the guy that boxed up bags to send to soldiers from his stockpile... he had at least some purpose besides amassing "things"
I agree, that couponing to that extreme is not for me. I too loved the donation being sent to the troops.
Thanks for stopping by!
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