Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Are you a Flylady? Series 15 of 32 (Calendar)

Hi all,

  For those of you following this series....Welcome Back!  For those of you new here....Welcome!  If you're new, don't worry, you can read from the beginning of this series here.

If you've never heard of Flylady, you can read all about it here.  

  Now that I have added things to my iphone calendar, I'm going to work on transferring appointments/schedules onto a calendar for the whole family  to be able to check.  I'll keep this calendar in the kitchen on the back of the pantry door, so everyone will know where to find it.  

  This will help us all to keep on track, and know what's going on at all times.  I'm also going to work on making sure I have birthdays and anniversaries logged onto both calendars.  I'm hoping by doing this, I will be better about sending cards or emails with well wishes on their special days, instead of realizing I missed them and sending them belated ones.

  I have to say, all these things I have been doing so far has made my day run so smoothly!  It's so much easier to have a plan, and stick to it.  No more stressing with what to do next, or frustration with trying to prioritize.  As my husband says all the time, "Plan your work, and work your plan."  You can see my New Year's Resolution post about that here.  I have to say that my resolution is coming along wonderfully. Sure does feel good! :)  

Hope you all are still enjoying this series.  Have any of you found that routines have simplified your life?  I'd love to hear about it. :)

Happy Planning,


Michelle said...

I love organization (though, I can suffer from lack of it!!!) and you sound so positive about all these wonderful changes. It is inspiring!!! Great series!

Jennifer @ Just Peachy in Dixie said...

Bella Michelle,
Oh thank you! I'm so glad that you're enjoying this series, and that you find them inspiring!

Hope you have a great day!

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